The rise of the influencer
14th Mar 2017
Brand activation through event marketing
12th Apr 2017

The rise of the influencer


Ads are old news. Today, consumers want content that informs and entertains. And what better way to provide that than through high-profile personalities whose opinions consumers value, and who have direct access to a loyal follower-base? In the second of a two-part interview, three of Transform’s digitally connected staff members tell us more.

Social media encompasses a universe of digital platforms

Account director Karina van den Heever: “Instagram is very effective as it’s only images, and if you can capture the feel of your brand in an image, your engagement with your followers will increase.”

Account manager Robyn Oliver: “Twitter is instant and has the option of trending certain topics. There are only 140 characters allowed, so you have to think about what you say instead of throwing random info into the universe. The hashtags allow for a group of people with common interests to access the same category.”

Junior account executive Lebo Serapelwane: “Instagram is more effective than Facebook, partly due to the use of hashtags. Facebook has a maximum number of followers allowed, which is obviously a disadvantage when it comes to marketing.”

The best bits about social-media marketing

Karina: “I love seeing an influencer genuinely loving a product or enjoying an experience that I can relate to.”

Robyn: “Influencers get their names out there by doing this type of online marketing, and it’s amazing to watch them grow as a result and become celebrities in their own rights. I enjoy watching their videos when they get invited to events, and virtually sharing the experience with them.”

Lebo: “Influencers get freebies! I’m currently building my following on Instagram so that I can also be an influencer some day.”


Worldwide, these are standout influencers

Karina: “On Instagram, baking_ginger, because her images are so clean and beautiful; and fromcapetownwithlove, with its amazing images of Cape Town from fellow Capetonians.”

Robyn: “American YouTube personality Casey Neistat – I enjoy watching his videos and seeing his pictures because I get to see places I may never visit. He takes you along on his journeys.”

Lebo: “Sylvester Chauke on Instagram and Twitter. A young, self-made entrepreneur and an openly gay man, he’s an inspiration to young black people who come from disadvantaged families and try to make it in the big cities.”

“Want to marketing a Gucci product? Social-media followers worship individuals who have the kind of extravagant lifestyle that means they can afford a Gucci, so roping in an influencer with a closet full of Gucci bags is an obvious way to get marketing and PR content out there.” — Junior account executive Lebo Serapelwane

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